Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Engendering violence Essay

Violence could occur in various ways and in different levels. It may happen in the form of physical, sexual, verbal and psychological abuse, and could be inflicted by any individual, groups, institutions or nations. Whatever form of violence is inflicted, it could threaten the body of the violated person in the most complex way (Jarvis, â€Å"world of the body†). The society today is not new with the issue of violence. Every now and then, the media is consistently reporting events that are inhumane. Although violence could occur among different people, it has been well identified that the prevailing cases of violence are those that are gendered-based. Before one could fully identify gender-based violence, it is an imperative to clarify various definitions that are centered to the area being studied. It should be well understood that the usage of the words gender and sex are needed to be given identification in order to fully understand gender-based violence. In many cases the words gender and sex are used alternately; however there is a distinction between the two words. Sex is often referred to as the differences in the physical aspects of males and females while gender is known to be the roles of the males and females that are socially-prescribed. Such gender roles are acquired through the process of socialization (Ward, 2002 qtd in Benjamin and Murchinson 3). While the physical differences between male and female is persistently identified to be something that is easily distinguished and could be possessed in common, the gender roles are wide range and could be found in different aspects of an individual’s life and may apply in various aspects such as access to various resources, responsibilities that are public and private or even during the period of courtship. Although gender roles could be altered in the long run, it should be well understood that these gender roles reflect the position of men, women and children in the society (Benjamin and Murchinson 3-4). Based from these roles, gender-based violence could be identified as a form of violence that is done to an individual in accordance to the role he or she played within the society. Although such violence could also be directed among men, gender-based violence is prevalent among women and girls. The violence inflicted to females intends to empower hierarchies and strengthen gender inequalities (Benjamin and Murchinson 4). The term gender-based violence is now taking a new context where in it tends to examine and deeply understand the violence against women and discusses the role of gender in inflicting the violence. The power of gender relations always place women in a more disadvantaged position compared to their male counterparts. Gender-based violence place women at a level where they have less access to resources, information, decision making, benefits and have lesser hold on their rights. Aside from these, gender-based violence are also closely related to violence against women and girls because of the involvement of the idea that women are the subordinate gender in the society (UNIFEM 2-3). In various nations, women and girls are victims of myriads of forms of violence. Most of the cases of violence were not done randomly. The victims became the targets of the perpetrators because of the reason that they are females. Among the many forms of violence, sexual violence specifically rape is the most commonly inflicted among women. All sexual assaults are done out of aggression, despite of the gender and age of the victim. The primary motivation of the assailant to carry out rape is not centered towards satisfying a sexual desire or an issue of sexual deprivation from the past rather the perpetrator inflicts rape in order to express their power over somebody (Groth qtd in New York City Alliance against sexual assault, â€Å"Factsheets†). In most cases of female rape the act of violence was predominantly done by males who all come from socio-economic classes, racial or other ethnic groups. All through out the world, rape is often directed towards women because of their gender, regardless of their age, ethnicity or political affiliation (UNIFEM, â€Å"violence†). In the United States alone, it was reported that a woman is raped every two minutes. Just in 1995, the number of women who were raped or sexually assaulted reached over 354,670. The risk factors for initiating rape were accounted for early sexual experience, stereotyping which include the negative attitudes of males toward females, consumption of alcohol and the acceptance of rape myths (â€Å"American rape statistics†). In addition, during war and civil conflicts gender-based violence such as rape and sexual abuse were done in order to attack the morale of the enemy including men and women. For others gender-based violence was also conducted as â€Å"spoils of war. † (Benjamin and Murchinson 5) During the 1994 Rwandan genocide, sexual violence, especially rape was directed or encouraged by the Hutu Militia groups in order to strengthen their goal of destroying the whole Tsutsi clan. At this point in time, the violence was directed towards the Tsutsi women due to their gender and ethnicity. Furthermore, the sexuality of the Tsutsi women was also regarded by the Hutu’s, who were the genocide perpetrators, as a medium that could be used by the Tsutsi community to infiltrate the community of the Hutus. Because of this reason, the propaganda of sexually violating the Tsutsi women became prevalent in order to dehumanize and subjugate the Tsusti community as a whole. Aside from the Tsutsi women other Hutu women were also targeted for rape by their own tribesmen because they were associated with Tsutsi men who are considered as an opposition (Norwojee, â€Å"Shattered lives†). During the conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Muslim women were raped and sexually abused as a part of the so-called â€Å"ethnic cleansing† for the establishment of the Greater Serbia, which is said to be ethically pure. On the basis of investigations, it was estimated that over 20,000 women became the victims of rape and sexual abuse. It was also documented that the rape was directed among the women in order to impose humiliation among the victims, their families and the community where they belong (WomenAid International, â€Å"EC investigative mission†). Much has been written about the prevalence of rape and rape reporting among females. However, it was stated earlier in the study that gender-based violence could also occur among males. In the case of rape, males are often disregarded about the issue because of the social context that males are the initiators of the sexual act, or if not they are considered as the dominating gender and that the women should be take the submissive role (Gagnon and Simon, 1973; Schneider & Gould, 1987 qtd in Duncan and William, â€Å"Gender role,† 1). Despite this traditional sexual script, male rape is also very much similar to female rape. The most common perpetrators of male rape are also males, yet on a larger scale, the involvement of female as accomplices or perpetrators were also reported. In 2002, it was documented that out of eight rape victims, one of those involves a male (RAINN, 2003 qtd in Stanford’s men against violent group, â€Å"male rape†). More often than not, male rape is one of the many violence issues that are least discussed in the society. This is because such issue is often interpreted as an extension of the life in prison and is often regarded as a part of the homosexual subculture (Kaufman et al. , 1980 qtd in Pino and Meier, 1). However, what people do not recognize is the fact that male rape survivors include not only homosexuals but also heterosexuals, teenagers, homosexuals and children. Case research even suggested that males also experience the same reactions felt by females. Alongside with the feelings of depression, anger, self-blame, guilt, sexual dysfunctions, vulnerability and emotional distancing, male rape victims also have to endure unsympathetic attitudes from people even their friends, family and acquaintances (Brochman, 1991 qtd in New York City alliance against sexual assault, â€Å"Factsheets†). Likewise, it was also reported that males are more likely to become victims of multiple aggressors, yet the assailants could inflict sustained physical trauma and male victims could be held as captives for a longer period of time compared to their female counterparts (Kaufman et al. , 1980 qtd in Pino and Meier, 1).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Discuss the Role of Benjamin and the Sheep in Animal Farm

Discuss the role of Benjamin and the Sheep. In the novel ‘Animal Farm’ written by George Orwell both Benjamin the donkey and the sheep are introduced on page two, â€Å"Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm, and the worst tempered† and â€Å"the sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs. † This is the first introduction of the animals on the farm and it immediately gives the reader an indication about how important they will be in the novel as the sheep have not even been described all the reader knows is where they lay and gives the reader an idea on their status compared to the other animals.Benjamin’s next appearance is on page eighteen when he expresses his attitude towards the rebellion, â€Å"about the rebellion and its results he would express no opinion†. This tells the audience that Benjamin is a bad â€Å"tempered† character but not this it hints to the reader that he has a pessimistic attitude towards life. Benjamin is ver y important in terms of his opinions towards the rebellion as he helps to foreshadow the rebellion reverting backwards as â€Å"donkeys live a long time. † This tells the reader that he has seen it all happen before and that nothing every stays right for long.Despite Benjamin being a miserable character, he still fought in the batter of the cowshed, â€Å"Snowball now launched his second line of attack. Muriel, Benjamin and all the sheep†. This shows how Benjamin just does what he is told, and that he isn't an argumentative character this could be because of his cynic attitude as he knows everything is going to go wrong anyway because â€Å"donkeys live a long time†. This helps the audience to question whether or not the rebellion will be successful or not as Benjamin is always used to help lower the optimism of the animals throughout the book.Benjamin and the sheep show a good contrast as they are both very similar in the ways that they are controlled and order ed. However the sheep do not have the knowledge which Benjamin knows as they have not seen things come and go. The sheep are in the same line of attack as Benjamin and I think this shows that the animals in this line of attack are very similar. This infers to the reader that if the rebellion was to revert backwards they would all be equally powerless and hopeless.Benjamin’s cynic attitude is maintained throughout the novel and is again shown to be a miserable character, â€Å"only old Benjamin refused to grow enthusiastic about the windmill, though as usual, he would utter nothing beyond a cryptic remark that donkeys live a long time†. This was said on page forty three and it reminds the reader about the possibility of the windmill going wrong and this is playing a big role in the prefiguring of the windmill failing to be built successfully as he has seen many things go wrong in his lifetime.Even thought Benjamin is the â€Å"worst tempered† animal on the farm h e still shows a lot of affection towards Boxer, â€Å"without openly admitting it, he was devoted to Boxer. † This was said in his character description on page two and it helps to show Benjamin as a human and it makes the audience think about him in society and the impact that he has. By looking at him like this we are able to start to understand the lack of power these animals have compared to the other human beings in society.This plays a huge role in our understanding of status and higherarky around the farm as we are able to interpret the farm animals as human beings. Benjamin is character that does not like to get involve because he knows something is always going to go wrong, â€Å"Clover asked Benjamin to read her the sixth commandment, and when Benjamin, as usual, said that he refused to meddle in such matters. † This was said on page fifty-six and it shows Benjamin’s pessimistic attitude as he does not want to take any interest into what is going on ar ound him as he knows what is eventually going to happen through his life experiences.Benjamin can sometimes come across as a smug character due to his knowledge and this helps to reinforce to the reader that things are not going to work out on the farm, â€Å"slowly, and with an air almost of amusement, Benjamin nodded his long muzzle†. The word â€Å"amusement† portrays Benjamin to be smug at this moment in the book because he knew that the windmill was going to go wrong. This makes the audience think that every cynical statement that Benjamin says it likely to be true making his function very important as it helps the reader to understand what is going to happen in the following chapters.Benjamin is also seen again on page sixty-eight and we know again that something is going to go wrong again, â€Å"except old Benjamin, who nodded his muzzle with a knowing air, and seemed to understand, but would say nothing. † The reader is now starting to see a trend in Ben jamin’s senses, â€Å"with an air almost of amusement† and â€Å"with a knowing air† (page 68) these very similar sentences tell the reader that Benjamin could see all of this happening and that he knew everything was going to go wrong. The role of Benjamin is to help prefigure what is going o happen, so when he urges boxer to slow down on page sixty-nine, â€Å"Benjamin urged Boxer to work less hard† the reader knows straight away that Boxer is going to get seriously hurt. This is very shocking for the reader because his death is prefigured on page five, â€Å"Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker. † This shows how close Benjamin and Boxer are but also prefigures the death of Boxer which is done using the knowledge which boxer has retained from his long life.Benjamin has a family like relationship with Boxer, â€Å"Benjamin, who lay down at Boxer’s side, and, without spea king, kept the flies off him with his long tail. † On page seventy-five audience see Benjamin showing his compassion towards Boxer and it helps use see Benjamin as a real person and this plays a big role in how we feel when we read on as when Boxer does get taken away to the knackers we see Benjamin and Boxer as people and it makes it more distressing and more heart breaking for the reader. After Boxer’s death Benjamin becomes more miserable and quiet and his attitude gets worse, â€Å"more morose and taciturn than ever. (page 80) Suddenly Benjamin has become even more cynical possibly because life has got worse than he expected. Benjamin’s role in the novel is to now express the lack of hope there is on the farm especially as Boxer was symbolic of hope and now all hope has gone Benjamin is there to symbolise that to the audience so they are able to understand how bad things are getting on the farm. Benjamin plays a big role on page eighty-four when he reads out the last broken commandment for Clover, â€Å"for once Benjamin consented to break his rule and he read out to her what was written on the wall. This is very striking because Benjamin knew that â€Å"some animals are more equal than others† all along and it is very upsetting for the reader as all hope is lost for the animals and all the animals know that now through the breaking and changing of the commandments. The sheep are used to heckle other farm animals so that it is impossible for any opinions to be raised. The sheep are often heard when Squealer is talking to the other farm animals about changes which have taken place on the farm, â€Å"of late the sheep had taken to bleating ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ both in and out of season†.The sheep are very easily manipulated because of their lack of intelligence and Napoleon was keep to take advantage of this to use it in his favour so Snowball would get interrupted during his speeches, â€Å"especia lly liable to break into ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ at the crucial moments in Snowball’s speeches. † This was due to Napoleon training them like he did with the dogs. The role of the sheep is to interrupt Snowball so that Napoleon is able to get his own way. The sheep have little knowledge and power on the farm which is why they are the animals to be manipulated to work in Napoleons favour.On Pages twenty-nine, thirty-two, thirty-four and forty the sheep either interrupt Snowball whilst he is talking, â€Å"occasionally interrupted by bleating from the sheep† or they are heard to prevent any discussion developing so that Napoleon is able to get his way, â€Å"tremendous bleating of ’four legs good, two legs bad’ which went on for nearly a quarter of an hour which out an end to any chance of discussion†. The sheep are used to stop the farm animals from asking any questions which could possibly cause the rebellion to progress t his allows Napoleon to take charge and to take what the animals work for without questions.The sheep are also potentially used to scare the other farm animals, because the sheep are very easily manipulated it is quite possible that Napoleon had forced them to confess to a crime which that had committed, â€Å"then a sheep confessed to having urinated in the drinking pool – urged to do this, so she said† (page 53). More sheep continued to confess to various crimes and their role is to sacrifice themselves so that the other farm animals would be too scared to stir up a rebellion against Napoleon.The sheep are seen again on page fifty-six carrying out the same role of heckling so that the other animals do not get a chance to protest, â€Å"some of the animals might possibly have protested, but at this moment the sheep set up with their usual bleating of ‘four legs good, two legs bad’†. This ensured that Napoleons decision of the abolishment of ‘B eats of England’ did not get argued against as the moment which they could have possibly said anything had already passed.This role which the sheep undertake is very important in terms of the rebellion reverting backwards as if they didn’t interrupt the positive ideas the Snowball came up with they could be living better lives. Not only this but if they didn’t bleat out ‘four legs good, two legs bad’ after Napoleon makes a change the animals may have been able to rebel to Napoleon’s ideas resulting in a better life for the farm animals. The sheep are very easily manipulated and when they get taken away by squealer on page eighty-three we know something bad is going to happen, â€Å"squealer ordered the sheep to follow him†.We know something bad is going to happen as Napoleon did the same thing with the young puppies from Jessie and Bluebell. The sheep had been taken to convince the other farm animals that walking on two legs was good, â€Å"four legs good, two legs better†. This shows how the pigs are better than the farm animals as they are now walking on their â€Å"hind legs†. The sheep repeat this so much that the animals do not get a chance to protest, â€Å"it went on for five minutes without stopping. And by the time the sheep had quieted down, the chance to utter any protest had passed. This is the sheep’s’ main role so that the pigs are able to do what they want without the other animals protesting allowing the rebellion to revert further and further backwards. Overall, the main role of Benjamin is to prefigure the failure of the rebellion through his pessimistic attitude and through his life experiences as donkeys live a long time. And the sheep are used to help manipulated the animals into thinking that what the pigs are doing is a good thing but also to prevent them from protesting so that the pigs are able to maintain their power and carry on doing what they want like a d ictator would.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Soft Drink Industry

Coca cola and PepsiCo are the major players of soft drink industry in South Africa. Coca cola dominates the market with a market capitalization of around 30 percent higher than PepsiCo’s (DAFF, 2014). Coca cola dominates the market by investing heavily into the advertising and campaigns to increase its social visibility (Statista, 2010). Coca cola’s share a coke campaign spurted the sales and market growth of the company in a diversified country like South Africa (CCRED, 2015). The company has connected with the consumer through its relationship marketing (CNB Africa, 2014). Further, there are small players who have also witnessed growth in their volume sales through their low price strategy. Further, the industry has also witnessed introduction of new flavors in the market with the increasing demand of the consumer. The soft drink companies have introduced innovative flavors to offer a wider range of products to the consumer to differentiate themselves. Other important players of the industry are red bull, mountain dew, pepsi, 7up, fanta, dr. pepper and vitamin water. Coke is the leader in terms of market share followed by red bull leads, mountain dew and pepsi. Porter’s Diamond Model provides a method to explain national competitive advantage of a country. Porter developed this model to analyze the international competitiveness of countries and evaluate how a country becomes successful in a specific industry (Porter, 2011). The model aims to evaluate the characteristics of the country in order to assess the firm’s achievements and success across the globe. The model suggests that the characteristics and attributes of the country affect the success and growth of the firm internationally. There are six elements of Porter’s National Diamond Model which assesses the national competitiveness which includes factor (input) conditions, demand conditions, government, related and supporting industries, chance and firm strategy, structure and rivalry (Porter, 2011). The home country which is taken for analysis affects the company’s strategies and provides a direction to build its structure.  Ã‚   Factor conditions account for the availability of the resources within South Africa which includes human resources, physical infrastructure, administrative infrastructure, capital resources, information infrastructure, scientific and technological infrastructure and natural resources. Human Resources: Human resource contributes towards the cost of production of soft drinks in the manufacturing process. Therefore, the factors to be considered are cost, quality and availability of unskilled labor, cost, quality and availability of skilled labor, administration cost for management of skilled labors and merchandising cost. South Africa has abundance of unskilled labor but the production cost is constraining the competitiveness because of unavailability of quality skilled labor and high cost of labor in South Africa (The Economist, 2014).   Physical infrastructure: South Africa lacks the quality and availability of proper physical infrastructure facilities which are required by the industry (Deloitte, 2013). Physical infrastructure is very essential for the set up of production process and operational process, thus, lack of a physical infrastructure would be a hindrance for the entrance of the company.    Administrative infrastructure: The cost of administrative infrastructure is very high in South Africa which would adversely affect the company (Rooyen, Esterhuizen & Stroebel, 2011). Administrative set up is again an importance parameter for the long term sustainability of the firm. Capital resources: Capital resources such as loans and finance are very essential to set up the company operations in a foreign market. South Africa lacks sufficient capital resources which would hinder the establishment of the company (Rooyen, Esterhuizen & Stroebel, 2011).   Information infrastructure: Information regarding the markets and suppliers are required to enter any new market so as to analyze the market favorable conditions and cost of production. The cost of information infrastructure is very high in South Africa (Rooyen, Esterhuizen & Stroebel, 2011). Scientific and technological infrastructure: The cost of technology is very high and constrains the growth of soft drinks industry. The quality of the scientific infrastructure does not have a great impact on the industry but it is not easily available in the country (Rooyen, Esterhuizen & Stroebel, 2011). Natural resources: The natural resources are present in South Africa, though not in abundant quantity, but support the production of the soft drinks (Rooyen, Esterhuizen & Stroebel, 2011). Thus, the overall factor conditions do not provide a great support to the soft drink industry in South Africa. The demand conditions indicate the need and requirement of the company’s product or service in the country which include market demand and size, potential market and overall market growth and sophistication. Market size of South Africa does not support the industry and constraints the industry. The market growth would help to analyze the future perspective of the industry. The market growth has been estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.8 percent during 2016-2021 which would support the company. The market information is easily available for South African market with low cost and great quality. The quality of products also supports the soft drink industry in the country with the increasing average income of the people in the country (Toit, 2006). Also, South Africa is one the most sophisticated market in the African continent which positively affects the industry. The demand conditions favor the company to enter the market of South Africa because of estimated market growth for the next few years and availability of the market information. Related and supporting industries provide the existence to the industry through cost-effective processes, innovation and internationalization. Soft drinks industry requires suppliers and partners for packaging and bottling of the soft drinks. Financial institutions presence provides capital sources to the industry, which is present in the country. The presence of financial institutions supports the ongoing operations in the soft drinks industry. The research institutions support the development of new products as per the customer demand. The presence of research institutions in South Africa supports for research and development activity within the industry. South Africa also has abundance of transport companies to ensure proper logistics and transportation of the soft drinks and carry out the supply chain activities effectively. The other basic necessities such as electricity are also available in South Africa to support the day to day operations of the industry. The suppliers for soft drink industry are also present in the country to support the bottling and other related processes of manufacturing and production. Thus, related and supporting industries support the soft drink industry in South Africa. This factor assesses the parameters of company which includes their goals and objectives, management and structure, policies and regulations. The presence of competitive firms also affects the industry because it triggers product innovation for the sustainability of the firm. The soft drink industry has many players in South Africa such as Coca cola, pepsi, mountain dew, red bull, fanta and others. This creates tough competition within the industry which has led to the invention of innovative products such as flavored soft drinks. South Africa’s sound legal system and strong investor and property protection supports the existence of soft drinks industry in the country by providing them the land and infrastructure for the manufacturing and production of the soft drinks. Further, South Africa has a great connectivity with the international markets which is again a positive influence on the industry (South African Consulate General, 2017). Restriction on capital flow and strong labor union is also a positive influence on the strategy of the firm. Though, there is a threat of substitutes and new entrants because of emerging small players in the soft drink industry who have introduced flavor drinks to provide a substitute of the soft drinks. Thus, overall factors have a positive influence on the strategy, structure and rivalry of the companies in the country. The government support has a strong influence on the sustainability of the firms of soft drinks because a government can either promote or hinder the activities of the firms. The government decisions and policies affect the consumer demand of the country which affects the overall industrial growth. PESTEL analysis would clarify the impact of government on soft drink industry. South Africa is going through political crisis because of corruption allegations charged on the country’s President Jacob Zuma. Further, the Finance Minister has filed an affidavit regarding some suspicious transactions (Gaffey, 2016). These events have destabilized the country which affects the businesses very adversely. Further, the soft drink industry is affected by the country’s demography because consumption of soft drink is high for children and youngsters. South Africa has 30 percent younger population below the age of 15 which influences the soft drink business positively (Statistics South Africa, 2014). South Africa is facing an economic crisis with decreasing currency rates. The Reserve Bank is intentionally keeping the currency low which is affecting the environment for businesses. The economic scenario of the country is effecting the business decision of the companies such as expansion of the business has become a costly affair with a high exchange rate (The World Bank, 2017). Thus economic instability of the country adversely affects the business operations of the companies of soft drink industry. The decreasing currency of the country has an impact on the buying capacity of the people of South Africa. Further, increasing unemployment has also lowered the demand in the country. Though, the country has become more sophisticated with the social upliftment of society and people are moving towards living high standards of life. This is a positive factor for the soft drink industry, but there is also a tension of rising obesity and overweight in the country. Obesity and overweight leads to diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The cause of these diseases has been found to be sugared drinks which lead to obesity and excess weight. Therefore, the socio-cultural factors give us a mixed opinion about the soft drink industry. The soft drinks contain added sugar and preservatives which affects the health of the consumers and leads to obesity and other health issues. The rising obesity in the country has forced the government to take some preventive action to reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks (Business Tech, 2015). The government has imposed sugar tax on the sugared products which adversely affects the soft drinks industry (Rensburg, 2016). Further, the government is also taking measures such as food advertising regulations and enhanced food labeling to reduce the consumption of soft drinks. Chance is the risk factor for an industry which is beyond the control of the firm. This includes economic and political stability, aids, price stability and crimes. The economy of the South Africa has seen ups and downs in the recent years. The country’s political stability has a positive influence on the sustainability of the company. The country has a record of high crime rate which affects the overall growth of the company. Further, there is no aid and support in case of any war or conflict in the country. Thus, there is a great amount of risk involved for the soft drink industry in South Africa because of unstable economy and rising crimes. A company can enter a market through non-equity mode or equity mode. Non-equity mode is through licensing, exporting and contracting. Equity mode is also called foreign direct investment (FDI) method which involves merging and acquisition with the established businesses in the market (Dunning & Gugler, 2008). The company makes investment by acquiring the assets of the company to establish its control or substantial influence over the business. As per the guidelines of the OECD acquiring a minimum of 10 percent ownership stake is required by the company (Dunning & Gugler, 2008. Joint venture and wholly owned subsidiary are the two different methods for a company for foreign direct investment. Joint venture is the collaboration of two business parties by pooling their resources to pursue a common objective. JV formation is the common strategy used by the companies to enter a foreign established market to expand their business operations internationally. Joint venture gives access to th e existing sales and distribution network of the country (Prescott & Swartz, 2010). SoftBev is a local soft drink of South Africa and has established a strong hold over the market through market penetration. The company’s capital is approximately R650m after merging with a local player (Drink Stuff, 2014). The company has its own production plant in South Africa and is manufactured and packaged locally. Further, it provides quality products and services to its customers (Softbev, 2016). The company could form a joint venture by partnering with the local manufacturer Softbev brand to establish its strong hold over the market. The company would benefit by partnering with the local company in terms of accessibility of market. The company would gain an access to the domestic market from the distribution network of the SoftBev. The company would be able to establish a trust factor among the consumers by partnering with a local firm because SoftBev has already established its own trust in the market. Further, the company would also gain access to the domestic suppliers which would assist the company to set up its own production operations in the country to maintain its sustainability. The company could gradually start its own production house once it has gained access to the market suppliers and distributors. Thus, the company would benefit from the partnership with the domestic firm. Green field investment is another mode of foreign direct investment through which a company builds up its entire operations from the ground in the foreign company. The company has the complete control over the business from plant construction to employee policy and regulations the specifications are laid out by the company (Shenkar, Luo, & Chi, 2014). Acquisition is another FDI strategy in which company acquires certain shares of the company to establish substantial control over the company (Bruner, 2016). It is better to understand the advantages of FDI for the company and the country before taking any step to make a major investment. The benefits of FDI are enjoyed after a long period by capturing the new market and accessing cheaper production facilities. The company and country both enjoy the benefits mutually wherein the country benefits from the transfer of technology and expertise from an advanced country. Joint venture formation with SoftBev would give access to the local market resources of South Africa (Brand South Africa, 2011). The company would gain through market penetration and establish its own market. Further, through a joint venture with SoftBev, the company would enjoy the existing distribution network of SoftBev in South Africa. The companies forming a JV would complement each other by offsetting each other’s weaknesses and forming a stronger company by maintaining their individual identities (Trost, 2013). The Green field investment strategy would help the company to reduce its transportation cost by setting up its own production plant in South Africa (CFO Africa, 2016). The tariff barriers would also be eliminated from the cost of product which would increase the firm’s profitability (Lee & Rugman, 2012). Through mergers and acquisition with SoftBev, the company would get an opportunity to gather the information on the domestic markets of South Africa. The company would now be able to develop strategies to tap the local market by gaining better insight of the existing market (Finkelstein, 2010). It becomes difficult for a firm to roll back its process and projects after deploying Green field investment in the country and can also be financially devastating. Green field investment also demands huge amount of money and time for the research and development process to evaluate the feasibility of entering the foreign market (Shenkar, Luo, & Chi, 2014). Acquisition process requires borrowing of money which increases the company debts. Culture clash is another disadvantage of acquiring a company (Finkelstein, 2010). Formation of a joint venture is time consuming because it takes time to build a relationship with another business entity such. The goals and objectives in a JV are also not clearly communicated which affects the productivity of work (Trost, 2013). JV formation with SoftBev would disturb the balancing the level of expertise within the company by partnering with another business unit. Integrating two different business units is a challenging job because of different management and leadership styles incorporated within the company (Trost, 2013). A successful joint venture would require deep research and analysis of the goals and objectives of the company. After, thoroughly analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of FDI, following can be concluded: Green field investment would require huge amount of money and time for research and development to evaluate the feasibility. Further, setting up operations in a foreign country from the ground level becomes very challenging. Acquisition would also not be a wise choice because it would increase the liability of the company and checking the financial security and credibility of a firm would again waste huge amount of time. The company needs a strategy which does not require investment of money, manpower and time and also has an exit strategy to refrain from future risks. Though Joint Venture also has some disadvantages but is the most preferred option for the company to expand its business internationally. The company could go for a joint venture with one of the local firm which has been analyzed as SoftBev. SoftBev is one of the largest firms of South Africa and has a huge consumer base. Joint venture formation with SoftBev would give access to the local market resources of South Africa (Brand South Africa, 2011). The company would gain through market penetration and establish its own market. Further, through a joint venture with SoftBev, the company would enjoy the existing distribution network of SoftBev in South Africa. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the company chooses Joint Venture with the local firm of South Africa which has been identified as SoftBev. After a thorough analysis of the soft drink industry in South Africa, there are two contemporary management issues which have been derived. Unfavorable factor conditions: Factor conditions would support the growth of the company by providing human resources, infrastructure, technology, information and natural resources. South Africa has abundance of unskilled labor, but does not have sufficient skilled labor, which is essential for production process. Further, the cost of administrative labor is too high. Unavailability of the human resources would increase the overall cost of production. South Africa also lacks physical infrastructure facilities which would not support the establishment of production and operational processes in the country. The high cost of administration, information and technology would hinder the development of the company in the country. The unfavorable factor conditions would not support the establishment of the company’s production and operational processes. If the company plans to set up its operations in the country then the high cost of production and administration would hinder the overall growth of the company. FDI may seem to be a lucrative choice for the company but there are many risks involved in foreign direct investment. First of all, selection of a FDI methodology is a costly affair because it would involve research and analysis of all the methodologies. Once the methodology has been selected, then selecting the appropriate local partner would be very challenging. The company needs to choose the right partner who has the required resources that would complement the company’s resources. The resources for a soft drink industry are distribution network and market accessibility, production facilities and manpower (Yan & Luo, 2016). The next thing that company needs to access is the performance of JV partner and their perception about collaboration. Further, the company needs to check the financial security of the partner to analyze the credit issues of the JV partner. The management practices also need to be reviewed by the company. Reviewing the production and marketing performance would help to analyze the market credibility of the joint venture partner (Yan & Luo, 2016). The company also needs to consider an exit strategy in order to protect company once the mission is achieved. The terms and conditions need to be considered by each firm to avoid any misunderstanding in the future. Greenfield investment would again be a costly affair because setting up operations in a new country requires research and analysis to create suppliers and distributing partners. Brand South Africa. (2011). South Africa ‘has investment advantage’. Brand South Africa: Official Custodian of South Africa’s Nation Brand. Retrieved from: Bruner, R.F. (2016). Applied Mergers and Acquisitions. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Business Tech. (2015). Soft drinks and juices lead the way to obesity in SA. Business Tech. Retrieved from: Business Tech. (2015). South Africa’s sugary drinks shock. Business Tech. Retrieved from: CCRED. (2015). Reflection on the Coca-Cola Bottling Merger. Centre for Competition Regulation and Economic Development. Retrieved from: CFO Africa. (2016). What are the advantages of investing in South Africa?. CFO Africa. Retrieved from: CNB Africa. (2014). Brand marketing starts with consumer. CNB Africa. Retrieved from: DAFF. (2014). Quarterly Economic Review of the Food and Beverages industry in South Africa. Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Vol 1(3). Retrieved from: Deloitte. (2013). Enhancing Manufacturing competitiveness in South Africa. Deloitte. Retrieved from: Drink Stuff. (2014). SoftBev set to be SA's No 1 locally-owned soft drink company.Drink Stuff: South Africa. Retrieved from: Dunning, J.H., & Gugler, P. (2008). Foreign Direct Investment, Location and Competitiveness. London: Elsevier. Finkelstein, S. (2010). Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 9. UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Gaffey, C. (2016). Two major, interconnected issues have plunged South African politics into crisis. Newsweek. Retrieved from: Lee, H., & Rugman, A.M. (2012). Firm-specific advantages, inward FDI origins, and performance of multinational enterprises. Journal of International Management. Vol 18(2). Retrieved from: Porter, M.E. (2011). Competitive Advantage of Nations:  Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: Simon and Schuster. Prescott, D., & Swartz, S. (2010). Joint Ventures in the International Arena. Chicago: American Bar Association. Rensburg, D.V. (2016). Gearing up for the soda wars. City Press. Retrieved from: Rooyen, J.V., Esterhuizen, D., & Stroebel, L. (2011). Analyzing the Competitive Performance of the South African Wine Industry. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol 14 (4). Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., & Chi, T. (2014). International Business. New York: Routledge. Sherman, A.J. (2011). Mergers & Acquisitions from A to Z. US: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn Smit, A.J. (2010). The competitive advantage of nations: is Porter’s Diamond Framework a new theory that explains the international competitiveness of countries?. Southern African Business Review. Vol 14 (1). Retrieved from: SoftBev. (2016). About Us. SoftBev. Retrieved from: South African Consulate General. (2017). Why Invest in South Africa?. South African Consulate General. Retrieved from: Statista. (2010). Market share of soft drink companies in South Africa in 2010, based on sales value. Statista. Retrieved from: Statistics South Africa. (2014). Mid-year population estimates. Statistics South Africa. Retrieved from: The Economist. (2014). An awakening giant. The Economist. Retrieved from: The World Bank. (2017). South Africa. The World Bank. Retrieved from: Toit, A.S.A. (2006). Competitive intelligence in the knowledge economy: what is in it for South African manufacturing enterprises?. International Journal of Information Management. Retrieved from: Trost, T. (2013). Joint Ventures:  The Benefits and Perils - Why Some Are Successful and Others Fail. Germany: GRIN Verlag. Yan, A., & Luo, Y. (2016). International Joint Ventures: Theory and Practice:  Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge.

Principles and Functions of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles and Functions of Management - Essay Example This theory focused upon the achievement of short term objectives as a means to fulfilling the long term goals of the organization. (Birnbaum 2000:43-52). Employees in every department were to set out short-term objectives, which were to be achieved within a certain deadline. Companies such as General Motors and RCA Foods adopted this method of management. However, in actual practice, this theory failed to take into account the political bickering and rivalry that existed between various departments. In actual practice, the departments rarely bothered to make and adhere to short-term objectives and the theory was soon scrapped by 1985, because it was found to be ineffective. The reason for this was because the theory failed to take into account the unpredictable human factor, that often results in problems arising with the practical execution of a management theory that may be sound good on paper but fails in practice. Managers therefore failed to make use of this theory on a wide ra nging basis, because while it sounded good as a theory it was not effective in actual practice. This is a commonly used management practice today and the tool through which it functions is commonly known as the SWOT analysis. This theory was also derived from Peter Drucker’s rational approach with an attempt to also include political inputs. This method involves the analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to a business. This was a management technique that was set out with the purpose of identifying a particular niche for every business. The aim and objective behind this management theory was to enable an organization to survive and compete effectively in a rapidly changing, globalizing environment. According to this theory, the SWOT analysis helps to analyze external and internal data within the organization and compare it with others in the industry in order to evaluate the exact

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Relations High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Relations High School - Essay Example That the WASP should dominate, be regarded as the superior race, is a direct outcome of the fact that, to a large degree, they shaped the land, created the nation and framed its culture. Irrespective of the fact, or myth, that America is a melting pot, it is ultimately a nation created in the image of the WASP culture, religion and world view. Indeed, the capitalist system which is so distinctly American is the product of the Protestant work ethic. Democracy, which is as American as is capitalism, was born of the historic encounter between these early immigrants and the British. Added to that, the country's founding fathers, its first president and most of those which played such a seminal role in the formation of the United States of America, are WASP. The perception of superiority, therefore, is rooted in the making of America. Similarly, the American Indian's occupation of the bottom tier and the persistent perception of them as an inferior race emanates from the historical circumstances surrounding the encounter of the races. As noted in Chapter 6, not only did the American Indian emerge as defeated but was decimated, virtually purged off the land.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Diversity Journal Questionnaire Assignment

Managing Diversity Journal Questionnaire - Assignment Example Oprah Winfrey talks about the bridges in her life: Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hammer and others. Which people have been bridges for you? Why?† Page 37 My uncle; at my present part-time job work-place, my uncle used to be a favorite for my boss. I am also being favored effortlessly by the boss and other colleagues due to my uncle’s goodwill (Cardinal & Brown, 2007). They are parallel in my life; what I love to do is not related to my academic performance. My academics just help with knowledge but I love to undertake duties that give me pleasure and freedom instead of structured career systems. 13. â€Å"In today’s workplace, many individuals do not use all their potential, and particularly their insight, resourcefulness and talent. Does a lack of diversity consciousness shown by employees or their managers contribute to this situation? Explain.† Page 55 Yes. Most of the Asian managers do not promote employee participation in their workplaces. They perceive themselves to be intelligent and other minority groups to be inferior in regards to intelligence (Cardinal & Brown, 2007). 16. â€Å"Some government officials have argued that profiling is needed to track potential terrorists. They argue that it is negligent not to look at everything, including racial and religious factors. Others say that the United States should not use any kind of profiling in the war of terror. They argue that it is reckless and there is no proof it works. What is tour opinion? Is profiling justified in order to combat terror, and if so, under what circumstances.† Page 76 18. â€Å"Given the magnitude of the challenge, how do you summon the energy that is necessary to deal effectively with prejudicial beliefs, discriminatory behaviors and other social barriers that you may encounter? To flourish in the face of adversity, what can you do?† Page 84 I change my

Friday, July 26, 2019

PRESENTATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PRESENTATION - Essay Example entation; (2) delegate tasks; (3) integrate group effects in the unified presentation; (4) review and amend, as needed; and (5) present the information to an audience in the most comprehensive and informed manner. When a team member needs more information to clarify concepts or issues to be tackled, those members who are most qualified and competent in terms of knowledge, abilities and skills should share understanding of the concepts as simple, clear and concise as possible. The instructional approaches that could be used could also be in a form of an illustrative visual presentation, using diagrams or charts, or detailing in an outline form. The applicability and importance of presentations are seen in terms of their significant uses in current and future endeavors. Whatever profession one pursues, knowledge in making presentations would be seen as beneficial in assisting understanding of various concepts through a variety of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 137

Case Study Example Also, it can be attributed to enhanced morale of employees. Q3. The major changes in the situation revolved around the management system of the company. Before, the process of assembling garments involved numerous sub-assembly units before completion. The new system places the entire production of garments in the hands of every employee. In the new scheme, the workers control the entire assembly of garments while the management still make strategic decisions regarding production and also supply workers with essential materials for the production process. Q4. Suppose the new change was aborted and workers went back to the old system, the morale of the workers would slump to its all time low as they would be so demoralized because of the failure and also going back to a system that seemed to lower their work enthusiasm. Also, the percentage of controllable rejects would increase because the old system placed no direct responsibility for the reject on workers. Absenteeism would once again plague the company and the overall productivity of the company would decline

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi- A Hindu Saint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mahatma Gandhi- A Hindu Saint - Essay Example Having developed his ideas in South Africa, Gandhi remained committed, through numerous internal and external trials, to his fundamental Hindu beliefs – that love could indeed conquer all – all of which contributed to his ability to change the world. His life ended with an assassin’s bullet on January 30, 1948. The militant who shot him blamed Gandhi for the weakening of India yet today Gandhi is hailed as the father of India and has inspired numerous individuals to lead further social reform in other parts of the world. Building off of his early childhood influences and religious ideals, Gandhi accomplished the changes he did by putting together logical strategies for non-violent political action as a means of addressing humanitarian concerns in both South Africa and India. The main beliefs Gandhi held related to his firm conviction that Indians, as British subjects, were every bit as worthy of fair treatment as whites. He did not feel the Indians should be granted special privileges as is shown in an early statement regarding poverty: â€Å"[W]hile the poor man must strive to improve his condition, let him not hate the ruler and wish his destruction †¦ He must not want rulership for himself, but remain content by earning his own wants. This condition of mutual cooperation and help is the Swaraj [freedom] of my conception† (Arnold, 19). Gandhi’s early traditions taught him to revere all life and he remained a vegetarian for most of his life as a result. He also envisioned the goal of life to be recognition of one’s duty toward others and responsibility to uphold the truth. Early in his life, he managed to apply one of the stories from the Bhagavad Gita to his own life. â€Å"Gandhi saw the battle in which Arjuna was engaged a s an allegorical, not an actual, call to arms, a demonstration of the supreme importance of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exercise assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Exercise assignments - Coursework Example It asserts that if possible then an action should be morally sufficient if it maximizes one’s self interests. Ethical egoism might also apply to things other than acts, such as rules or character traits. Psychological egoism has to components, strong and weak component. The strong part of egoism alludes that human beings ever act in their own self-interest. That is to say that they are forced to do so by their own psychology. On other side the weak form part of it argues that human beings always and occasionally act in their own self-interest. None of the two forms of Psychological egoism can stand its own to define what egoism is. For example if the strong form would be accepted, then it means that people should not be told on the right thing to do since they are controlled by their instinct. On the other hand if the weak form of it is to be used, that would mean that people should continue behaving the way they are behaving which cannot be proved. Psychological egoism fails to refute morality or to provide a foundation for ethical egoism because everyone always does what they do and it cannot be justifiable by information about their human conduct. Psychological egoism in its stro ng form alone would destroy all morality and is lacking both in evidence and in logic. â€Å"Individual ethical egoism†, states that people should always act for my â€Å"own† best self-interest while â€Å"Personal ethical egoism†, states that I should behave in â€Å"my own† self-interest, but be mindless about what everyone does. The problem with these forms is that it acts towards one individual and cannot be applied for all humanity in general. Universal ethical egoism is the most commonly held form of ethical egoism because it considers all humanity. It does not only talk about what an individual should consider doing but also is concerned with what all human beings should do for morality principles. However the

Asian American Literature Essay Example for Free

Asian American Literature Essay The stereotype created of Japanese men as military foes combined nationalism with racism. Since their physique has always been considered small, the danger from the Japanese was perceived to come from the Japanese Superman, possessed of uncanny discipline and fighting skills. Films, often punctuated with racial slurs, were quick to paint Japan’s treachery in battle, its brutality, and disregard for international rules of war. These stereotypic images carried over to Japanese-American men outside the context of the war. Pearl Harbor and the war years enabled Hollywood to revive the yellow peril characteristics and the fear of miscegenation. By the end of the war, Americans had learned to associate brutality and treachery with a Japanese face. Caricatures of the Japanese were found in the cartoons of the period. Warner Brothers, Looney Tunes, created a duck version of â€Å"The Jap† who had glasses, buckteeth and cries â€Å"oh sorry, sorry, sorry† (with slurred r’s). They also created â€Å"Tokyo Jokio† and â€Å"Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips. † The buck-toothed Japanese became a standard cartoon figure. Max Fleischer created a Popeye the Sailor cartoon entitled â€Å"You’re A Sap, Mr. Jap†, which is a song Popeye sings over and over. This cartoon showed the Japanese deceiving Popeye, causing him to cry out righteously: â€Å"Double-Crossing Japanese† The portrayal of women during this period fared no better. The common stereotype was the â€Å"Dragon Lady,† â€Å"Geisha Girl,† and â€Å"Tokyo Rose,† who had a penchant for White men, dressed in tight dresses, and bodies on display. They are sly, cruel, exotic sex objects, or subservient and hardworking. Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, in â€Å"Feminist and Ethnic Literary Theories in Asian American Literature† comments on how â€Å"the image of Japanese-American women usually remains on the margin, invisible, mute or constrained to limited stereotypic images of passion. † The media played on these stereotypes to sell misleading images to audiences, who wanted entertainment that was different from their normal lives and were willing to see and accept anything exotic. The stereotypes of Japanese and Japanese-American women were pervasive in the media because the media perpetuated these stereotypes through their portrayal of Japanese and Japanese-Americans. Unfortunately, for some, they still carry over in the perceptions of the American people. Japanese-Americans are challenging the stereotypical images of the past and have made a voice for themselves in American society. They are fighting against the persistent racism and sexism against themselves by establishing a unifying identity as Americans and monitoring the media’s representations. Although ethnic stereotyping is less common today than it was in the last century, it persists. The images are not so obviously offensive; consequently, many people do not recognize them as stereotypes. In terms of dramatic expression, then, the Japanese film labors under a heavy burden. If it portrays emotion within the traditional Japanese framework, it may achieve authenticity, but the effect is antiquated. If it portrays emotion within the Western framework, it comes across as meretricious and unconvincing. Films that try to blend the two modes often end up antiquated and unconvincing. Yet in animation, which lacks visual realism and features de-Japanized characters to begin with, the expression of emotion paradoxically takes on a more convincing sense of reality. This may explain why most of the serious and ambitious film efforts have used the vehicle of anime. Given the serious dramatic deficiency, Japanese live-action films can no longer tackle any serious or profound subject matter. In the context of contemporary Japanese film, then, anime often conveys a greater sense of reality than live-action films. The thin, insubstantial reality of animated film, that is to say, is more alive — literally, more animated — than the flesh-and-blood reality. And if anime is perceived as more real (i. e. , closer to physical reality) than live-action, this means that, increasingly, anime embodies the Japanese consciousness of reality. The Japanese conception of reality is undergoing a process of animation. The rise of anime as well as manga is a cultural by-product of modern Japans tendency to promote modernization and Westernization while rejecting its history and traditions. A medium that fuses elements of East and West, and lacks a clear national identity, could be considered international in a certain sense, and this is doubtless a major reason why anime has so many fans overseas. But the current state of affairs, in which anime represents the mainstream of Japanese cinema, is by no means desirable, inasmuch as it signifies an ever-widening gap between physical reality and peoples conception of it.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personal & Professional Healthcare Communication Paper Essay Example for Free

Personal Professional Healthcare Communication Paper Essay Communication, according to the Free Dictionary, is â€Å"the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behaviors†. It is vital in the development and maintenance of personal and professional relationships. It is important to understand communication also includes non-verbal as well as verbal acts. According to Rane (2010), 93% of communication is nonverbal and body language is an effective nonverbal communication tool. There are two essential components in communication, which are a sender and receiver of a message. In the personal and professional health care communication paper, I will discuss the definition of healthcare communication, the relevancy of effective personal healthcare communication to health outcomes, how the lack of effective personal and professional healthcare communications contributes to poor health outcomes, and the theories and principles of therapeutic communication in health care settings for the healthcare pro fessional (UOP, 2012). Healthcare communication definition In the healthcare field communication is vital to provide optimal care for the patient and enhancing the ability to make informed decisions. Healthcare communication relates to communication between people in health care organization, according to Northouse, 1998. This communication allows for questions and answers to who, what, where, how and when about health-related information in the patient-healthcare professional relationship. When used correctly communication enhances patient outcomes and results from patient surveys. Relevancy of effective personal healthcare communication with other healthcare professionals, clients, and patients (UOP,2012) Communication with the healthcare team including the patient, their family, medical professionals such as the doctor, nurse, and ancillary services such as X-ray department, pharmacy is vital in achieving the best outcomes as a result of evaluation, intervention, and the overall status of the patient. In order to give high-quality health care, it requires effective communication between the team and the patient. In cases of Non-English speaking patients or individuals with hearing impairments, they require other resources for effective communication such as interpreters, picture board or other devices. The healthcare professional must explain procedures or management of care to the patient or family to ensure optimal goals. It is through effective communication that the healthcare professional empowers the consumer with knowledge related to their illness, its ’ schedule of care by increasing patient compliance. It is when the patient does not understand what is happening in the health care system they need the professional to be understanding and sensitive by taking time to explain. This aids the patient by meeting their need to understand according to Northouse, 1998. Relevancy of effective professional healthcare communication to health outcomes (UOP, 2012) Effective professional healthcare communication is relevant to desired health outcomes. Successful communication is essential between team members because it allows for the development of specific objectives to accomplish. The health care team strives as one but individually they ensure the patient reaches the desired outcomes. If all team members are not â€Å"on board† to assure the patient reaches the goals set forth causes an uphill battle which produces conflict. This conflict could be productive by encouraging the team to review a difference in opinion that can be beneficial for the patient. How the lack of effective personal and professional healthcare communications contributes to poor health outcomes (UOP, 2012)   The lack of effective personal and professional healthcare communication affects teamwork, patient satisfaction, patient safety, patient management, compliance with treatment, level of anxiety, job satisfaction efficiency, which potentially leads to poor patient health outcomes ( The purpose of effective communication in healthcare is to provide first-class medical care, minimal to no medical errors and have precision; and without it there is room for medical errors, poor patient care and an ineffective team that produces undesired outcome. In the professional and patient relationship, the lack of good communication causes the patient to be apprehensive in asking questions, to worry about being bothersome because they feel other patients are sicker, and there is an assumption that the patient doe s not have any concerns. There are barriers to communication that include only one between the sender and receiver of the message understands the message, cultural differences, and lack of education. In sending the message it is essential that the message is received with clarity, it is concise and complete. If the patient has a language barrier, it can be masked by the patient not responding to information and it is detected as a result of poor or no compliance. In literacy concerns, all information should be presented on a 5th grade level to aid in the comprehension of the information. The care of the patient should be patient/family centered which helps in detecting any language, cultural or literacy barriers (Schyve, 2007). For example, a 46 year old single male patient that is functionally literate is admitted with a diagnosis of acute angina. During the admission process it is disclosed he completed the 7th grade which renders him functionally literate and there is no language barrier. The cardiologist (heart doctor) comes in and discusses his plan of care that includes a stress test. The nurse asks the patient if he has any questions and he reports he cannot do any exercise. The nurse provides information related to the procedure that includes using medications to mimic the manual exercise. The theories and principles of therapeutic communication in health care settings for the healthcare professional (UOP, 2012) Therapeutic communication is a process in which the nurse consciously influences or helps the client to better understanding through verbal or nonverbal communication (The Free Dictionary). There are detailed approaches that promote the expression of feelings and ideas that convey approval and respect in a non judgmental manner. Therapeutic communication encourages the patient to participate in the plan of care. The patient would not be receptive to engaging in communication if the nurse runs in and out of the room hurriedly or promises to perform a task and not complete it. It is important that the patient views the care professional as one that is cari ng and willing to go the extra mile for the patient. The patient can be appreciative of any act of kindness displayed by the professional in as they promote Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Most nurses chose this career because of a genuine caring attitude toward all mankind therefore using the Watson’s caring theory will enhance the caring system. The information found in Watson’s caring theory helps the nurse revisit the place of traditional values, which is the foundation of becoming a nurse The following are Watson’s clinical caritas process (es): †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Practice of loving-kindness and equanimity with context of caring-consciousness† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p.116); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Being authentically present and enabling and sustaining the deep belief system and subjective life world of self and the on-being-cared-for† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p.116); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Cultivation of one’s own spiritual practices and transpersonal self, going beyond ego self. Being sensitive to self and other† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p.116); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring relationship† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p.116); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Being present to and supportive of the expression of positive and negative feelings as a connection with deeper spirit of self and the on-being-cared-for† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 116); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Creative use of self and all ways of knowing as part of the caring process and engagement in artistry of caring-healing practices† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 117); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Engaging in genuine teaching-learning experience that attends to unity of being and meaning and attempts to stay within other’s frame of reference† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 117); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Creating healing environment at all levels (physical as well as nonphysical) whereby wholeness, beauty, comfort, dignity, and peace are potentiated† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 117); †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Assisting with basic needs, with an intentional caring consciousness; administering human care essentials, which potentiate alignment of mind-body-spirit, wholeness, and unity of being in all aspects of care; attending to both embodied spirit and evolving emergence†, (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 118) and †¢Ã¢â‚¬ËœOpening and attending to spiritual-mysterious and existential dimensio ns of one’s own life-death; soul care for self and the one-being-cared-for† (Alligood Tomey, 2006 p. 118). The Caring Theory facilitates therapeutic communication because it addresses all aspects of the patient’s being which encourages the patient to be more open and receptive to the treatment and procedures needed to promote desired outcomes. â€Å"Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you† (King James Bible, Luke 6:30-31). In conclusion, effective communication is understood by the patient and healthcare team and if there is a misunderstanding the communication is nonexistent, the terms of health care cease or continues with poor quality and high risks to patient safety (Schyve, 2007). Effective communication enhances the potential to provide error-free care of the patient. When there is an error it is viewed as the inability to provide optimal patient care (O’Daniel Rosenstein, date unknown). In order to provide premium quality patient care effective communication is a requirement; therefore it is an important role of communication and teamwork to reduce errors in the medical field thus increasing patient safety and promoting desired outcomes (Grover, 2005). I believe in providing therapeutic effective communication the health care professional should utilize professional skills learned especially those the endorse a caring and nurturing nurse-client/patient or professional-professional relationship. References Alligood, M. R. Tomey, A. M. (2006). Nursing theory: Utilization application (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Grover, S. M. (2005). Shaping Effective Communication Skills and Therapeutic Relationships at Work. AAOHN Journal, 53(4), 177. King James Version. (1976). The Holy Bible. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc Northouse, L. Northouse, P. (1998) Health communication: Strategies for health professionals (3rd ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall O’Daniel, M. Rosenstein, A. ( ). Chapter 33. Profession Communication and Team Collaboration’DanielM_TWC.pdf Rane, D. B. (2010). Effective Body Language for Organizational Success. IUP Journal Of Soft Skills, 4(4), 17-26. Schyve, P. (2007). Language Differences as a Barrier to Quality and Safety in Health Care: The Joint Commission Perspective. Society of General Internal Medicine The free dictionary. The free dictionary. communication University of Phoenix, 2012. HCS/350-Health Care Communication Why is communication important in health care?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Company analysis for Zara

Company analysis for Zara Strengths Zara is a very powerful brand and influential in overseas markets as America, Asia, Europe and Africa (according to article Best Global Brands 2010, 14 Sep 2010).Zara needs 2 weeks to design a new product and to bring in stores by meeting costumers preferences, meantime its competitors need 6-8weeks(chapter11-The strategy of international business). Competitive advantage of Zara is because didnt transfer all production to low cost countries, but kept most of them in Spain and Portugal where wages are lower than Western Europe. With this, it cuts shipping costs, and has more flexibility to answer the consumers demands for new products in quick way because of location than its competitors that have factories in low cost countries. According to a statement by Louis Vuitton Zara is Possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer in the world. The company applied Instant Fashion in order to meet costumers demands by new designs and new trends in manufacturing and distribution, also by keeping prices low. Zara used group of designers instead of individuals in comparison with GAP, HM and others. Zaras stores are company owned, and it is vertically integrated retailer. It does designs, production and distribution by itself and controls everything. In comparison with competitors it doesnt promote its designs via fashion shows, but is delivering they direct to costumers through the stores to understand their need, thats why the company doesnt do advertising (article-the Secret of Zaras Success, Store Magazine, fall 2004). Another advantage is that the company has one of the highest numbers of products in the world that produces annually 11.000 and its key competitors 2000-4000.The company keep low inventory in stock because each new product is supposed to be sold within 10 days, if not is replaced after 2 weeks. By this measure the company keeps low cost of inventory. Every store in Spain is supposed to be visited on average 3 times a year, but Zara 17 times(according to article Zara a Spanish Success Story, CNN, 15 June 2001). Also this year the company will enter Australian market. The company has a core concept in information technology to support its international logistics system and online selling where return and exchange is the same as the store system(Wikipedia). Also in some location people can buy Zara products by IPod, I Phone application. Zara model have more flexibility in production sales, and stock management and its stores managers report back every day to designers in La Coruna for sells which shows a nice coordination between departments in order to meet costumers needs(Zara website). Zara is part of Spanish group Inditex is expanded worldwide in 77 countries with 5000 stores. Net Income was increased by 42% for the first 9 months of 2010 and share price 57.60 euro (Inditex Group). The company has Strong relationship between wholesalers, stores, management and costumers. Also, the use of the highest quality of materials for clothing. Zara revenue for 2009 was 7.071 billion Euros and operating profit is 15% higher than HM and GAP, but working capital is the lowest(Wikipedia). Weaknesses Zara is one of the largest clothing retailers in the world and this can cause its weakness in different parts of business, and is too difficult to control. The company is global but has presence in 77 countries (Wikipedia).Also Zaras greatest advantage lies in  its ability to provide the most interesting cutting-edge items, risk free.  Normally the more cutting edge the design, the greatest the risk. Clothes do not always last long (Zara 2.0- Fashion Zara has a reputation for new design product development and creativity, but is the risk that their innovation may stumble in future. Costs of doing business with Albanian stores, while the Zara is located in La Coruna Spain. Although ZARA has a successful business model it also have some weaknesses which could limit its scalability and ambitious growth. ZARA constitutes around 80% of Inditex business (8 companies) which means a failure in ZARA can put the whole group at a risk (Inditex group). Advertisement is becoming an important part of the business and it reflects directly to the sales. Zaras in-store advertisement model may not work going forward (Zara). Another weakness for the company in Albanian market is that, most of people are low income and could be difficult for the Zara to keep the growth. Opportunities Merge with Inditex group has created more possibilities to invest in emerging markets (Wikipedia). Zara stores are located in 77 countries and are lot of opportunities to invest and expanding the market as in India and China (Inditex). Albania is a nice opportunity for the company to open stores because people like high fashion brands. New location and stores offer the company opportunities to exploit market development. Grow into new markets/consumer segments Albanian Consumer Taste Albanian consumer view ZARA as fashionable house. If ZARA needs to grow in Albanian it needs to address specifically the Albanian needs and perception of fashion. Threats The biggest threats are its competitors as HM, GAP and Benetton and new entries in market that want to recapitalize their profits in new markets as Albanian.  Rising production cost because of labor and raw materials. As economic crisis is striking back costumers are trended to spend less. Imitation of companys logo by people that do not have permission to use it. Increase in Euro Rate An increase in Euro rate will increase the consumer selling price, consequently Zara will lose price advantage against relative competitors outsourcing in Albanian lek. Zara sales are increasing 25% over the past 5 years it has become one of the worlds fastest growing retailers, and to keep this growth has to invest in emerging markets. Zara strategy is growth through diversification with both horizontal and vertical integration, and brings new fashion (Zara website). The company controls all distribution channels, and invests a lot in Real Estate business in order to buy prime locations for new stores. This risk for Zara because its net cash flow is less than its competitors. Although ZARA has a successful business model it also has some weaknesses which could limit its ambitious growth, Inditex over dependence on ZARA (Wikipedia) Zaras business model is based by bringing new designs models in market every two weeks. For countries like Albania, where people are less fashion forward, it may be a challenge for Zara to sustain its presence. Other threat for the company in Albania is the politic stability that is still fragile because of disagreements between two main political forces. Petrol prices are very expensive in comparison with other countries and will affect the cost of products by increasing their prices. Situational Analysis (TOWS) Weaknesses and Threats (WTH) The weaknesses of Zara is to be part of Inditex group which has 8 companies and means failure of one of them can put Zara at a risk too(Inditex group). The company has to find a strategy in order to overcome weaknesses and developed them into strengths. As you see from the chart the direction shows the strength- opportunity position (so). The strategy is to reduce the competitive threat by developing in market flexible new designs in order to meet costumers preferences on time. Weaknesses Opportunities (WO) Another weakness of Zara is raising production costs in Spain and Portugal with introduction of Euro in 2002. Products became more expensive for export. To overcome this Zara started to invest globally and new mergers in order to keep prices down as its competitors. If Zara enters in Albanian markets, it doesnt have experience with Albanian laws and their culture for clothing but could overcome those barriers by creating franchise with local partners. Strengths Threats (ST) One of the greatest threats to Zara is the continuing an appreciation of the Euro against other currencies this means higher prices for the buyer and less competitive posture. To reduce threats of competition and exchange rate Zara has built factories in North Africa and emerging markets. Economic crisis that started in 2008 and still goes on has obliged costumers to spend less on clothing items, and the company must bring new designs with affordable prices in order to handle this situation. Strengths Opportunities (SO) In order to be a successful retailer Zara has to build on its strengths and to take advantage of opportunities by using its RD. It brings in market each year 11.000 new products more than its competitors and this evident by its growth rate by 25% each year. In order to keep that growth rate Zara is investing its profits to buy new real estate location, technologies and to open new plants in low costs countries. Internal strengths 1) Strong Rd and designers. 2) Strong sales and global network. 3) Efficient products. Internal Weaknesses 1) Strong reliance in Europe. 2) Rising costs in Spain because of Euro. 3) No experience with Albanian laws. External opportunities-O 1) Growing market demands for fashion. 2) Will open new stores in Australia in 2011. 3) Low costs products to cope the competition. SO- Strategies 1) To develop and produce new designs with different prices. 2) To go global by using its RD and capital. 3) Increase efficiency by using new technologies in production. WO- Strategies 1) To develop existing products for different price model. 2) To cope with rising costs in Spain and Portugal by building new plants and stores in emerging markets. 3) To stay in touch with new technologies. Threats-T 1) Exchange rate risk, devaluation of euro in relation to other currencies. 2) Competition from HM, GAP, Benetton act. 3)Economic crisis ST-Strategies 1) To reduce the effect of exchange rate by building plants in countries outside the euro area. 2) Meet competition with advanced designs. 3) Bring new designs in market with lower prices. WT-strategies 1) Overcome weaknesses by making them strengths. 2) Reduce threat of competition by developing flexible product lines. 3) Engage in joint operation with other firms.TOWS Matrix for Zara Marketing Strategy Zara marketing strategy for Albanian market will include the use of targeted print media advertising and direct selling to Tirana and Durres area. The company will also use a website to keep costumers in touch with new designs and to sell products online.  In order to be successful as a new Zara store in Albanian market we have to beef up our relationship with corporate headquarters. Also we have to put our franchise in position to provide the highest quality of clothing in Albania market by bringing new brand and new designs. Our marketing strategy is to communicate this to our customers and to build a good relationship with them. Target Markets The potential customers for Zara are: Albanian costumers of Zara products: Market research suggests that there are approximately 50% of populations which are trended by fashion. All products for our franchise that would be able to handle the quantities of Zaras shipments and are in their target market. Inditex group wholesalers: This market serves as a safety for our import business. By maintaining relationships with Spanish wholesalers we have an alternative market with established distribution channels. As Zara moves in Albanian market need to be more aggressive in order to target this audience. Positioning Zara will position as the high end quality fashion distributor in Albanian market. Zara will only sell the highest quality of designs and recognizing that fashion is a commodity.   The company will leverage their competitive edges to achieve the desired positioning (Inditex group). We have established relationships with Zara, and Inditex group, in order to sustain our competitive edge. Our franchise has received affirmation of the demand for their product in the form of requests from Zara for larger product shipments. Our designs will be superior because of the larger average size of the Zara products 11.000 a year and low price and shipping cost will be less because Albanian market is too close from Spain. Strategies The single objective is to position Zara in our market as the premier in fashion field, and to create customer awareness in connection with designs offered, and to build good relationship to costumers in order to have their loyalty. The message that our store seeks to communicate is that our name is synonymous with the highest quality Zara designs available in Albanian market.   This message will be communicated through a variety of methods.   The first method will be the use of printed sales material.   The material will detail all of the different products that Zara sells. Another method of communication is through the development of strategic relationships with buyers and sellers of our (Zara) products.   As we are aware a nice communicative relationships with our clients is essential for our business.   Our franchise will also use advertisements, in TV, radio, newspapers, magazine and Email to increase brand awareness.    The use of the website will allow different people around Albania to view a lot of information regarding Zaras products in our store, their production methods, and other information. Marketing Mix Marketing mix is comprised of the following approaches to pricing and distribution, advertising and promotion and costumers service. The product can be distributed throughout the Tirana and Durres area. Several different methods will be used for advertising and promotions; we will use the same advertising methods as I meant it above. With regard to promotion we will offer as discount price, rebate Zara credit cards and other methods in order to keep loyal customers and to get new ones. Customer service is our priority in order to build good relationship with them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

raising cattle :: essays research papers

Raising Cattle across America Cattle are being produced all across the United States. From Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from California to the Atlantic Ocean there are several thousand head of cattle being raised. However these cattle are all being raised the some way or under the same conditions. Ranchers in the north have to deal with snow and ice while the southern ranchers are dealing with mud, water, and, mosquitoes. The people raising cattle in the Midwest are faced with droughts and having to keep their crops and cattle watered. Raising cattle in the northern part of the United States is more than just raising cattle and being cold while you do it. Keeping your cattle with fresh water, feed, and, hay is sometimes a task anywhere in the country much less when you have to deal with temperatures that are twenty degrees below zero. When it is this cold outside your cattle do not have fresh water until you go and break the five to ten inches of ice on top of their water trough. Feeding your herd also creates problems. When you get the hay for your herd to make it through the winter it can not be just any hay. You have to send your hay to a laboratory to get it tested. By having your hay tested this tells you if your hay has enough protein for your cattle to make it through the harsh winters. â€Å"We’ve had cattle starve to death with full bellies† says Paul Walker, extension livestock agent of Alamance County, North Carolina. â€Å"They received plenty of hay but it was not enough to meet the ir nutritional needs.† The hay you feed needs to be at least nine to fourteen percent protein. The higher the protein the better the hay is and the better the hay you feed the better your cows will be. Just below the extreme northern part of the country is where droughts are a

Duels :: Essays Papers

Duels "This is the excellence of Court: take away the ladies, duels and the ballets and I would not want to live there." - A. d'Aubigne, Baron de Foeneste, Il, 17 Duels and the act of dueling is something that has characterized not only the imagination of historians and modern warfare enthusiasts, but also the minds of writers and readers of literature for years. The numerous literary variations on the theme of dueling are enough of an indication of its importance, and the fascination with the act continues to increase. However, dueling is more than a literary climax or a plot twist; duels have been being fought for centuries and are actually derivatives of many medieval practices. The word duel has several predecessors, depending on which history is being referenced. The most common form of the word is derived from the German word Duell, which is a derivative of the Latin word duellum. Duellum is a combination of the Latin words bellum and duo, which connotes a war between two. This simple definition seems to be the most common and the most recognizable. Historian Francois Billacois states that a duel is "a fight between two or several individuals (but always with equal numbers on either side), equally armed, for the purpose of proving either the truth of a disputed question or the valour, courage and honour of each combatant (Billacois, 5)." Historian Ute Frevert concurs, but points out that duels, especially in the modern era, were "no mock fights, but serious passages at arms in which the opponents risked their lives and which could result in serious injury, or even death (Frevert, 11)." Most contemporary historians believe that the modern version of the duel developed out of three medieval institutions: the feud, the judicial duel and the knightly tournament. The belief that dueling was derived from these three events is often referred to as the continuity theory. Feuds in the medieval period occurred when people attempted to settle disputes and exact revenge for insults through "private vengeance," rather than by going to the authorities and entrudting them to settle the matter. Judicial duels, on the other hand, were official acts, during which both parties (the plaintiff and the defendant) fought their grievances out on the battle field with swords in front of a judge.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rabies: a breif overview :: essays research papers

Rabies is a preventable viral disease of mammals most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. The vast majority of rabies cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year occur in wild animals like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Domestic animals account for less than 10% of the reported rabies cases, with cats, cattle, and dogs most often reported rabid. Rabies virus infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy and ultimately death. Early symptoms of rabies in humans are nonspecific, consisting of fever, headache, and general malaise. As the disease progresses, neurological symptoms appear and may include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation, difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the onset of symptoms.s Over the last 100 years, rabies in the United States has changed dramatically. More than 90% of all animal cases reported annually to CDC now occur in wildlife;    before 1960 the majority were in domestic animals. The principal rabies hosts today are wild carnivores and bats.. The number of rabies-related human deaths in the United States has declined from more than 100 annually at the turn of the century to one or two per year in the1990's.   Modern day prophylaxis has proven nearly 100% successful.    In the United States, human fatalities associated with rabies occur in people who fail to seek medical assistance, usually because they were unaware of their exposure. Although human rabies deaths are rare, the estimated public health costs associated with disease detection, prevention, and control have risen, exceeding $300 million annually. These costs include the vaccination of companion animals, animal control programs, maintenance of rabies laboratories, and medical costs, such as those incurred for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). Accurate estimates of these expenditures are not available. Although the number of PEPs given in the United States each year is unknown, it is estimated to be about 40,000. When rabies becomes epizootic or enzootic in a region, the number of PEPs in that area increases. Although the cost varies, a course of rabies immune globulin and five doses of vaccine given over a 4-week period typically exceeds $1,000. The cost per human life saved from rabies ranges from approximately $10,000 to $100 million, depending on the nature of the exposure and the probability of rabies in a region. Customarily, the level of international resources committed to the control of an infectious disease is a response to the associated human morbidity and mortality.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pd help

Outline TWO indicators of morbidity. Include examples in your answer. Morbidity is the incidence or level of illness, disease or injury in a given population. Two indicators of morbidity include: Hospital use, by the cause and number of admissions. It provides a measure of the rates of illness and accidents to the community, major reasons for ill health and information on serious diseases.Yet, it is not descriptive of less serious illnesses and ill health. For example, hospitalisation statistics have limitations as an indicator of morbidity because they treat each episode as a new case rather than having re- admissions of the same condition. Disability and handicap, which is lead to by the incidence of disease or injury. An example of handicap could be an individual injured in an accident which has become impaired, resulting in an abnormal function or loss of physical or mental capacities.This could cause disability by disturbing the individual's normal activity or performance. An ex ample of disability can be loss of ability in verbal communication. . What should consumers consider before choosing complementary and/or alternative health care approaches? (4 Marks) Prior to choosing complementary and/or alternative health care approaches, consumers should investigate the service offered and the credibility of the practitioner.Making informed choices should be completed by gathering information specific to the nature of the alternative medicine, credibility as an effective type of treatment, questioning friends and the community about experiences and recommendations and also the qualifications and experience of practitioners. Alternative medicines have endeavoured the highest quality of treatment by providing courses within the technique. For example, the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia offers an introductory course followed by a 6 month practitioner course to obtain accreditation. 3. Why is it important to prioritise health issues in Australia?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The United States Illegal Immigration Dilemma

The United bows throughout its history has been built by the strenuous rescue got and contributions of immigrants. in-migration has always been a vital part of the development of this land from Colonial days until now how incessantly, guilty Immigrations has be sire an write that is not only if discussed by the politicians in Washington, DC and those ensn beline says that ar been claimed nigh by it. The issue of misbranded Immigration everyplace the inhabit decade or so is now an issue that sees to be bear upon more aspects of the Nation than well-nigh strike along to be aw atomic number 18 of.Il ratified immigration has the United facing a touch that it has not had to deal with in everyplace two centuries. The issue of hot immigration is poses several head words that need to be turn to how did we get ourselves in the predicament that we argon in? Was it the G everyplacenment Policies and Laws that were or are not being enforced? Maybe, the miss o f border security or could those employers who ingest known embezzled immigrants be the cause. Another, way out that needs to be address when considering the plight facing the US is What impact does Illegal Immigration wee on the countries general Economic System?How does this fuss affect our wellness Care System, our trainingal Systems and art opportunities for legal Tax-paying citizens? The most important publication of alone is what is a possible root to the trouble of Illegal Immigration? What cause of Immigration better result work for all parties involved? Will al pitifuling States to come up with their own laws, instead of relying on the Federal Laws be the right answer, or will revising the 14th Amendment, or Amnesty is the resolve?Congress major intent when creating Immigration Laws and Policies both archaean in US history and lately was to strive the several goals First, to reunite families by admitting immigrants who already rent family members liv ing in the United States. Second, seeks to admit workers with specific skills and to take aim positions in occupations deemed to be experiencing compass shortages. Third, it attempts to contribute a refuge for people who mettle the risk of political, racial, or religious persecution in their rustic of origin.Finally, it seeks to en trusted diversity by providing admission to people from countries with historically low estimates of immigration to the United States (Congressional work out Office, 2006 p. 8) however, thither are others actions, or escape of action by government agencies that seem to counteract the very intent of the laws and policies created. oneness example is the privation of mount and enforcement of our countries border security organization. Another example is the non-enforcement of laws and policies authorities employers who knowing hire penal immigrants.Statements analogous the following by then prexy Bush, sums up the US governments read of asses sment and the dry lands National amuse concerning the Illegal Immigration issue the U. S needs more cheap labor from south of the border to do the jobs Americans arent willing to do, there are uncalculated address involved in the importation of such(prenominal) labor public support and uninsured medical addresss (Costs of Immigration, 2007, para. 1). Illegal Immigrations impact on the US economy can be seen in the following countrys Our Health Care System, our Education System and in Employment Opportunities for legal citizens.The net financial cost of immigration ranges from $11 accuseion to $22 billion per year, with most government expenditures on immigrants culmination from land and local coffers, while most taxes paid by immigrants go to the discipline treasury. The net deficit is caused by a low level of tax payments by immigrants, because they are disproportionately low-skilled and thus crystalise low wages, and a higher rate of consumption of government work, both because of their copulation poverty and their higher fertility. This is especially corporeal of iniquitous immigration.Even though wrong aliens make little use of welfare, from which they are generally barred, the costs of misbranded immigration in margins of government expenditures for education, savage scarceice, and essential medical care are significant. calcium has estimated that the net cost to the state of providing government services to culpable immigrants approached $3 billion during a single fiscal year. The fact that states must(prenominal) bear the cost of federal failure turns banned immigration, in final result, into one of the largest unfunded federal mandates. nonetheless we still have those who deal that nefarious immigrants do not have an adverse set up on the economy ( shopping mall for Immigration Studies, 2006, para. 1). The Health Care system here in the US has in all probability seen the biggest impact of illegal immigration when asp ect at the overall picture and considering the predicament as a whole. An example of these personal effectuate in Texas is the statement made by Rick Alleyer, airor of research for the Health and Human Services Commission, said illegal immigrant health care mostly emergency hospital care cost the state over $100 million last year (Illegal Immigrant Care, 2010, para. 5).Throughout the country in states like Texas, New Mexico, azimuth and calcium hospitals have had to either closing their doors solely or file bankruptcy because of federally mandated programs requiring free emergency room services to all illegal immigrants. The effects of illegal immigration on the US educational systems may not be as profound as they are for the health care system, the impact is noticeable teeming for educators, politicians and state governments to consider when they receive periodical reports of how poorly their schools are performing, the increase in student population, and how the cost of education continues to increase. fit to Edwin Rubenstein, Immigrant children are poorer than native-born children, and their be have increased far faster. At least 19 share of all K-12 enrollments are the result of immigration. In excess of 9. 2 million are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Because of their lack of language abilities, they take 25 percent of funding. Out of $499. 1 billion in the 2008 school year, $125 billion was pass on foreign born children (Illegal alien Education Impact, 2008, par. 7).Notice this was just considering secondary schools in the state of California. There are numerous states and schools that are rewarding illegal immigrants for enrolling in the schools, yet they are denying the analogous subsidies to lawful students or legal immigrants. The ever increasing number of illegal immigrants catamenia into the US every month plays a dramatic role in displacing American workers, over the past five eld it is estimated that 1 million legal ci tizens have been replaced by immigrants allow to come this country on work visas.Another area for concern pertaining to illegal immigration and its effect on employment opportunities is, the trend among illegal immigrants changing from the traditional few industrial area and parts of the country, integrating themselves into all sectors of the economy throughout the nation. The concern here is the increasing widespread demand for their labor. Having discussed nigh of the areas that our country are faced with, and most do both(prenominal)thing well-nigh, we now will grammatical construction at some possible solutions on how to deal with this dilemma.Realizing that Immigration Reform is must do, what areas need to be address, and what adjustments need to be made is the question at hand. iodine of the many Immigration Laws and Policies that has been created over the geezerhood is the 14th Amendment and the moxie baby concept. This amendment has been in the news and on the mouths o f politicians almost as much as Immigration Reform itself. The question that needs to be addressed is will amending this amendment erect enough helper to drastically decrease the flow of illegal immigrants into the country?If we look at the direct effects that the 14th amendment has on the country some feel very absolute about amending this amendment. For example some guess that rescinding the citizenship of anchor babies American hospitals welcome anchor babiesAnchor babies are citizens, and instantly transmute for public welfare aid amidst 300,000 and 350,000 anchor babies annually become citizens because of the fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. temper All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and issuance to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. (Illegal aliens threaten U.S. frugal system, 2008, para. 12).The concept of singular states enacting their own laws and initiatives could be the short term so lution. Arizonas AZ SB 1070 law, even though not in full implemented, is one such example of states taking matters into their own hands not delay on the Federal government to enforce the laws they created. Arizona Senator Russell Pearce (2010) characterizes the illegal immigration problem as one of invasion and quotes the Constitution The United States shall guarantee that every State of this Union a Republican carcass of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion (p. ).Arizona is not the only state that has come up with laws to help deal with the illegal immigration population in their states you have states like Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, and Oklahoma. The state of California has a bill that has begun the signature process, the California Taxpayer protective covering Act of 2010, Initiative 09-0010. This bill is for real world citizens, The people of California have an opportunity to curb the illegal immigration. some in California may not have seen the grass lately, but weve been seeding our grow (Dvorak, 2009, p. )The Illegal Immigration Amnesty bill was signed into law by chairperson Reagan in 1986 in an effort to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants that entered the country forrader 1982. The intent was to be tighter security on the borders and stricter penalties for employers hiring undocumented workers. Needles to say, this law seem to accomplish the exact opposite.There are some who retrieve that with the proper oversight and funding this could prove to be a viable solution to the illegal immigration problem that the U. S. aces today. There are also those who believe that the Amnesty Law is a major cause of illegal immigration, many immigrants believe that once they get here to the U. S. they will qualify for amnesty in a matter of time. Many in California believe the federal government has dropped the immigration ball over the last 40 years. In Washington D. C. they have a few nicknames reform is code intelligence operation for amnesty (Dvorak, 2009, p. 2) It is without a doubt that the US was founded on immigration and its many contributions over the years.The dilemma that we face today brings into question if the laws and policies of the past are serving their think purposes, if they are still beneficial to the country, and if there are new laws that need to be created to address some of the issues that have been created because illegal immigration. Even though actual numbers of illegal immigrants were not discussed because of inaccurate entropy the issues concerning how did we get to this point what are the impacts of illegal immigration on the countries social and economic systems, and probably the ost the most import issue is what are we going to do about it.The solution to this dilemma should include, not just the enforcement, of the policies and laws established but, it should also make sure they are properly funded as well. The solution should contain initiatives that address those topics th at negative effect the country as well as initiative that reward positive effects of illegal immigration keeping in mind the countries national security and national interests in mind.Referenceshttp//